Monday, February 15, 2010


Since I'm an English major, I have taken a lot of poetry classes in the past. Everyone of those classes has of course included Shakespeare and his sonnets. For class, my group analyzed sonnets 11-16 and saw how Shakespeare emphasized a lot about breeding and reproduction. He liked to think that a way of being immortal is by passing on your genes and experience in life to your children. That way your memory and the memory of your ancestors is always alive.
My favorite line in one of the sonnets was in 11 where Shakespeare said,
"Let those whom Nature hath not made for store,
Harsh featureless and rude, barrenly perish"
I found this line kind of funny because he's basically saying, if your family doesn't cherish life or can't handle life that that blood line will eventually die and that family line will not live on immortally. Everyone should live life purely and kindly in order to be immortal. It's nice to see that especially when we live in a world of so much hate.

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