Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Surrealism, to me, is the constant questioning of your perceived reality. Surrealism can appear to be normal on the surface, but if you dig deeper you can see the weirdness. In the story The Invention of Morel, we as the readers are along for a ride. As the main character is slowing showing us that maybe he is slipping into madness. There is just enough ambiguity to keep us all questioning what is really going on. Are the people real? Is he a ghost? Maybe he claims that he is dead, but then again he going crazy. I like all the possibilities, just like science fiction, surrealism has to offer. In class today we talked about how people use logic to find the "answer", but it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get away from that. Surrealism might allow for a person to see the world in a new perspective. Like in the Surrealist Manifesto, I got the feeling Brenton wants people to break out of the conventional ways of thinking. I enjoyed our readings for the week, they really made me think in a different way.

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