Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction and Saper
People love to connect. Even when people say that the increase in social networking over the Internet leads to impersonal interaction, it still allows for people to make relationships, and many of them. So it makes sense that people cling to characters that are either like themselves, unlike themselves, or in situations they can relate to. I don't think obsessive fans are necessarily trying to find an escape from real life, but allowing themselves to give in completely to imagination. I don't think it is a completely healthy habit, and it is somewhat perplexing the degrees to which fans take their research, but it is not an idea that completely baffles me.
Lost fan site and Saper
Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
Fan Ficton
Lost and Saper
This week we had to read Craig Saper’s essay “A Fan’s Paranoid Logic.” This essay is about Ray Johnson, an instigator of fan followings. After reading this essay, I thought about all of the other obsessed fans that are followers and behave inappropriately. When I compare this essay to real life, I think about how all of the other extreme fans would probably do these actions as well. Watching the rest of the Lost episodes still confused me because I don’t really know all of the characters. I believe if I was an “extreme fan” then I’d be following all of the characters and know their background. It is difficult to watch a television show without knowing anything about it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Lost and A Fan's Paranoid Logic
I also was very aware of the reliance of this show on fan loyalty. In order for the audience to connect with Lost at all, they have to keep track of it. This is not a show like The Office or something that can be watched out of order and context. Lost's success and direction is based on the assumption that the fans will tune in every single week. Because the ratings remained high throughout the show proves that audiences knew the characters and the plot enough to believe in them and understand them.
Lost and Saper
"Lost" Episodes
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lost Epidodes
I’ve never seen an episode of Lost so I felt lost when I was watching this because I had no idea who everybody was and what their “background” was. I felt like these two episodes were good but then again, I don’t know what is “good” for the TV show Lost. . I’ve connected these two episodes a lot with The Inventions of Morel. It was interesting to watch these two episodes because I was watching it from a point where I didn’t know what was going on instead of watching it from the perspective of knowing every character. I’m excited to see what perspective this TV show is going to take on time travel.
"The Constant" and "The Variable"
The popular TV series “Lost” is known for its ability to confuse and disorient its viewers by introducing twists and hard to comprehend plot elements in a fashion that seems random to anyone who has not viewed the episodes regularly. I am one of such people, and upon viewing episode 5 from season 4 titled “The Constant” and episode 14 from season 5 titled “The Variable” I can admit that I am thoroughly baffled. The idea of time travel as well as destiny is certainly something that is hard to wrap one’s mind around, and “Lost” does a fine job of construing any further thought processes. Nevertheless, such entertainment is a fine example of events that spurn discussion in which I am thrilled to be a part of and look forward to in the upcoming class.
Lost: "The Constant" and "The Variable"
Lost episodes
Variable Constants
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Activist cont.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Activist
The Activist and Calvino
The Activist and Calvino
The Activist & Calvino
The Activist 2
The Activist and Calvino
The Activist part 2
The Activist and Calvino
The Activist and Calvino
Calvino and The Activist
Today we had to read part of “The Activist” and Calvino. When reading “The Activist” I found that Renee Gladman linked politics and literature together when she writes in a way that the readers get the story through thoughts and conversations of others. This is a different kind of writing because you don’t usually read novels that are written like this. What interested me was when Calvino stated that literature and politics are linked together. Personally, I see politics and literature as two completely different things. I think its interesting that these two pieces connected in such a way that I don’t think connect.
Political Uses of Literature
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Activist
The Activist and Calvino
The Activist
The Activist
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Activist
This week we had to read the first half of “The Activist” by Renee Gladman. The beginning was really weird for me because I was totally lost and confused and had no idea what was going on. In a way though, this made me want to keep reading because I didn’t want to be lost and confused anymore, I wanted to know what was going on and what was happening. This book, I felt, was written in a really weird way. It went from being conversational and then switched to something else. It was interesting that we were able to view the dialogue through the thoughts of the protagonist. I’m excited to keep on reading the rest of the book because I don’t really know where it’ll go in the end.
The Activist and New Narrative
The Activist and New Narritive
New Narrative and The Activist
The article accompanying the reading talks about the movement of the New Narrative. It seems to emphasis the socio-cultural aspects of literature and the active involvement of the audience in the piece they are writing. This theme seemed cohesive with Gladman’s in The Activist as she seemed to be writing in a matter that incorporated the audience into the piece.
The Activist & New Narrative
The Activist
The Activist and New Narrative
The Activist
The Activist
The Activist
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Activist
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Flarf/conceptual art
This is my attempt at a flarf poem
English-Japanese (Kanji) translation for moist, fleshy fruit
ChaCha has the answer to this question:
You can do this with a lighter or match. ...
36 Hippocrates concludes that as a result of their excessively moist complexion
You wouldn't expect to find a large, fleshy, moist mushroom in the middle of the desert.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Narrative
Crusty Bodyparts
Activity 2 - Observing the Physical Characteristics of Ol' Crusty
crust-ah: crusty body parts (any and all body parts)
dumb-ah: an idiot
freak-ah: a freak
big-ah: a fat person
ah ass suffix southern words dirtah ...
My question, Dear Crusty, is: Why do people name certain, ahem, fun body parts and not other, more mundane parts?
... is pretty much wasted energy because our beauty will fade, we will get old and crusty, body parts will fail and then the body will die. ...
"Uxoricidal Thunderstorm"
the murder of one's wife ... a reference to Franklin's experiment of flying a kite in a thunderstorm ...By the way, I wonder how many folks out there have ever seen the
rinsable carbophilous edriasteroidea standpat eulamellibranch uxoricidal ugsomeness
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Those crazy Valley People,
Journey across the wet waters.
So rude, those wild coyotes!
They get in your way
and are an extreme nuisance to all Americans.
But really, what is it?
Why it is the moist gunk which appears in the corner of your eye after a long nights rest.
I loved that even doing something so simple like what we did with Google, it can still pull up something other than what was initially thought of, random.
Here’s the poem I put together…
The Crazy Suburban Mom
When I was a little bit younger
Teenage problems
Stay at home
I can through prayer
Teenage problems
Tackle the remote
Teenage problems
One hip mom
Put a piece of masking tape
on the bottom of her shoe
Sounds like you've caught on to the most important part of the problem
Slippery slope, this parenting gig
You have the right attitude
Have you tried a good chiropractor?
Here is one of that I created:
Thoughtless imaginations!
The slipstream of thoughtless thoughts...
Deep into the depths
of many people
A serious oversight
And the wonder is that they persistently cling to this futile hope
Saying hurtful things
although it revolves around machines
versus purely his imagination
wordless poet.
Nancy puts on body lotion all over her pregnant belly
Just punch her in the stomach instead, a gas pipe
Doctors believed at first that it was a penis
that made a sound described as a “wounded moose
although they determined later that it was a small trunk, through which the baby could breathe
Your Heart Belongs To Jesus, But Your Ass Belongs To Me
Once aloft, the actual meat in the murder sandwich is fairly straightforward
for starters when flaccid it always appears shriveled
Slurping and licking all the cum out like
When I was zombie
Molestation is a pastime adopted by
Japanese, Michael Jackson
so was Hello Kitty
Mama says don’t drink the Kool-Aid
when I stop and go for a drive
With your pants on the ground
and your head held high,
you will go to sleep or I
will put you to sleep.
Mama says don’t drag your butt on the ground
with your shirt of nails and your potty pants.
Mama says just say no to their rainbow of flavors
an overloaded scolding.
Mama says have a glass of shut up.
Marry, Fuck, or Kill Sarah Palin - Grimace
On a more spiritual note:
Sarah Palin vs Raptor Jesus? VOTE NOW!
I would chose Raptor Jesus over Sarah Palin
Any day we should violate McCain’s true
Thoughts about Windows 7
Hit the link below for more
Raptor Jesus Rave!
I'm caught too late to catch
thick sleep
that shifts underneath you.
Snooze overlays - alarm ON.
Sleep is deadly, sleep is slippery,
sleep eludes you no matter how hard
you try
to cure extreme insomnia.
Keep him alive
by closing your eyes.
Guitar strings and broken things
Wander down the hall
Emotions lie behind the door
Open up the briefcase
Be sure to separate
Options arise
Tranquil serenity
Sarcastic evasion
Opt out of work
Slide up the latter
Work shoes
Mississippi blues
Celebrated profession
The leading role
Praying to heavenly bodies
For some time
escape the photographs
Explicit acts, words
At the same time
It’s excellent
An award
For having no artistic merit
flarf poems
This week we are looking at conceptual writing and different examples of it. I really like to read creative pieces of work instead of what we have normally been reading up until this point. Since we are focusing on conceptual writing, we had to read some writing for Wednesday on it. A lot of poetry has to do with conceptual writing and I’m not very good at coming up with my own poetry and making it sound normal while following the “rules of poetry.” When I looked at the flarf poems, I was kind of confused by them. They are all very interesting but it seemed like they were just a bunch of sentences that were all mixed up and they didn’t make sense or connect to the sentence before it.
The scenes were surreal
Floating orbs and bubbles
Knocking everything off.
I settle back into my seat.
The charming video of a
Plastic bag floating.
But the plot has an evil twist
Living their lives in frustration
Masks make up the arrogant people.
This guy way laying in front
Of a restaurant entrance in Singapore
Like an iguana at the end of its rope.
Here’s one way of celebrating fatherhood—
We were drunk.
It’s way more fun than Betty Ford
And it was Valentine’s Day.
I was a broke college student.
Frozen lizards, shocked turtles—
Can you hear the castanets?
The fire is dying like capitalism!
Dead drunk.
Uncreative Writing
The vacation of a lifetime
with all your closest friends.
Trees in the woods grow faster and faster,
by loving the sun.
With every passing day
Family business keeps going on,
through the yellow beams of light.
In the fall, all colors change
because of the time and situation at hand.
Blowing in the wind with all our cares floating by,
the day is almost done.
Our time will come.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Creative and Uncreative Writing
Flarf and an example of my own
The idea of making a genre of writing specified to using technology is an interesting concept and one that I would like to try out. By pulling excerpts from something as widespread as the internet, one can find connections to a variety of things. It is identifying those things, that appeals the most to me. I was surprised when reading through the excerpts I could draw connections to things present in my life to what I was reading despite the vast source that the text was pulled from. Whether it be making a Star Wars reference (“Jedi” in Katie Degentesh’s “The Anger Scale”) or naming a music artist (“Bloc Party” in K Silem Mohammed’s “excerpts from Deer Head Nation and Breathalyzer”) the ability to find such links was refreshing.
Flarf Poem via Google Search Results:
A person who sits on the porch
and what does it mean?
A small child that enjoys being
the term comes from the cultural behavior of
with vodka, grapefruit schnapps and lemonade.
A delicious recipe for,
a term dating back to American 17th century colonial times
Also lists similar drink recipes
and watches the neighbors.
Uncreative Writing
Uncreative Writing
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Uncreative Writing
Conceptualism/Uncreative Writing
Conceptual Writing
For Monday, our readings were a lot different from what we’ve normally have been reading. “Uncreative Writing” was a lot different and it really opened my mind to what “work” and “art” mean to certain people. Everybody has their own interpretation of what art is and all authors have their own way to write and create art. It is a lot different this week reading “Uncreative Writing” because what we have been reading is about process and how to write essays and different pieces of art. There were 5 different essays that we had to read this week and each one was different in its own way but in reality, every author that wrote these, all consider it a piece of art.
Conceptual Writing
Conceptual Writing
Conceptual Writing
Conceptual Writing
Wagner's writing is one of my favorite pieces this semester. With the introduction to it being about process, I was wondering how she came up with some of the phrases or shifts she did. I thought she was refreshing and not too linear to become monotonous.
Conceptual Writing
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Goldsmith, Dworkin, Place and Wagner
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Rule and Constraint
Perec and Benabou
Perec and Bénabou
Perec and Benabou
On a different note, the overall concept of the book and the form in which A Void was written proved to be a great example of literature. However, Benabou brought up a point that stood out to me when he said, “The poet is never inspired, because he is the master of that which appears to others as inspiration.” Thus, it is not what inspired Perec that inspired others, but rather what he has created through his inspiration that inspires others. The rules and constraints for one may be the gateway for someone else.