Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I really enjoyed the readings for today. The poems seem so randomly put together that you really have to think about what the author had in mind while creating them. As we talked about on Monday, “uncreative” writing really requires an understanding of the author’s process and initial ideas. I definitely believe, however, that flarf is not “uncreative;” it’s most definitely a creative form of art that allows the author to combine both his ideas with other peoples’ to develop something new with completely different, totally abstract, plural meanings.
Here’s the poem I put together…
The Crazy Suburban Mom

When I was a little bit younger
Teenage problems
Stay at home
I can through prayer
Teenage problems
Tackle the remote
Teenage problems
One hip mom
Put a piece of masking tape
on the bottom of her shoe
Sounds like you've caught on to the most important part of the problem
Slippery slope, this parenting gig
You have the right attitude
Have you tried a good chiropractor?

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