Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Culture and Anarchy" and "Literature"

I had a difficult time getting into both "Culture and Anarchy" and "Literature." Neither one really caught my attention and kept me wanting to read more...but I did, because I had to. Although I found the readings to be somewhat boring, there were a few things that got me thinking. Reading about the history and development of literature over time was something I had never learned before. I feel that because I hope to be an english teacher one day, learning and knowing the history of literature will be important in my future. "Culture and Anarchy" really got me thinking about religion and the bible. It amazes me how one piece of literature (although it is kind of weird to think of the bible as literature) can influence so many people all over the world. It just goes to show how the words someone writes can potentially have a huge impact on the way a person lives their life.

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