Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Odyssey, 1000 Nights, The Pillow Book

Despite mild confusion throughout some parts, there seemed to be some similarities between all three pieces. I personally think that this shows a great demonstration of the way literature can have similar effects on people; even if written at different times or different parts of the world, which have very different cultures. There was use of different language, but still some similarities between all three pieces. Even if you compare that literature to something written in present time, there would still be connections; as well as distinct parts crucial to only certain points in time. Even the style in which the pieces were written varies from what would commonly be written in present day in time. I enjoyed the poetic style used to in sharing a story. One thing that I did get rather frustrated with was the different names, obviously from different cultures, which I was unfamiliar with. I think there is a goal through the use of different literature. I think using certain styles have an emphasis on different things, such as the poetic style bringing extreme attention to the words used, and especially to the sentence structure. I think there was a lot to be shared through these pieces in terms of the versatility of literature.

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