Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chapter 3

For this week we were asked to look at Chapter 3 of Hannah Higgin's book. I found that Chapter 3 was pretty similar to the first chapter we looked at for Monday, but instead of focusing on the film aspect of Fluxus, it took a look at objects in general. After reading this article it gave me a better understanding of a museum I went to in high school. I went to the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis on a film trip and pretty much everything that was in the place confused me because I didn't really see it as art. One example of the type of art that was present in the museum was a kid's chair with a box of tissues on top of it. At the time I just thought it was ridiculous that something like that could be considered art, but after reading these chapters on Fluxus, it's interesting to look back and see that we all have different interpretations of what art is. The Fluxus movement to me seems like the artists live by the concept that anything in the world can be art if you interpret it to be art, which I find to be a rather intriguing idea.

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