Sunday, May 2, 2010


I feel like many other ideas, concepts, approaches to literature we have learned about this semester, Fluxus art is a whole new world to me. Like many people, art to me has been a painting, photograph, or sculpture. And then there are the arts like acting, dancing, music, etc. The reading for Monday challenged me to look at art forms in a whole new perspective. This kind of art gives somewhat of a competition or change to the viewers' senses. It is very odd to think of art having a physical effect. Usually art is something that someone sees and then interprets, there isn't much physical action involved. In one of the pieces of art described, it irritated and confused the human eye. That confused me because I don't understand how someone could enjoy art that is painful. An example of the painful art is the "Flux Smile Machine." That definitely didn't sound to fun. How is someone supposed to enjoy art when they are in pain? This idea of Fluxus art is very different from what we have been talking about in class so I am interested to find out what ideas will come up in discussion.

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