Sunday, May 2, 2010


In this weeks readings I learned about the art movement known as Fluxus. I thought this group took a very interesting perspective towards art. Instead of using literature at its most basic form like most of the material we have looked at so far, the Fluxus movement uses art in a three dimensional way. I thought it was interesting how the videos that were described in the chapter were designed to irritate or confuse the human eye. I think this is an interesting way of invoking emotion from a piece of art. So far this semester I have focused on reading and writing primarily. This Fluxus movement is completely different from what I have grown accustomed too. I think it is important to value all types of art, and learn to appreciate them for what they are. There is a lot to learn from movements such as the Fluxus. They were challenging patrons to interpret the work whether it was a picture, piece of literature, or rapidly flashing movie.

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