Sunday, May 2, 2010


This week we were asked to read Hannah Higgin's first chapter in her book "Fluxus." This is the first time I had ever heard of the art movement, Fluxus, and after reading it I found it rather intriguing. It was intriguing because the artists in this movement decided to use different perspectives of what art should be. Instead of using just pictures, paintings and sculptures, they used flashing images to interpret their art. I found this interesting because in Higgin's piece she talks about how the artwork of the Fluxus artist's often left people feeling fatigued, so instead of an emotional connection to a piece like museum users often feel, they leave with a feeling of a physical connection. While reading this I couldn't help but think back to an Episode of Lost, where the others used the concept of the Flickr on Karl, leaving him to be fatigued and confused, just like Higgin's claims Fluxus does to viewers.

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