Sunday, February 14, 2010

Berrigan and Shakespeares Sonnets

I never have been that interested in poetry, or any form of artistic writing for that matter. Therefore, the assigned readings specifically Ted Berrigan’s “The Sonnets,” were a bit difficult to get through. Although passion for poetry has never manifested itself in me, I still can appreciate the structure and scheme of quality writing. Shakespeare’s Sonnets were by far much better and far more ensnaring then Berrigan’s. Due to his lackluster or nonexistent structure, it only confused and hindered me from comprehending any meaning. In sonnets such as XV where the lines must be read first, last, second, second-last etc. it was not only an obstacle to enjoying writing, but an unnecessary transformation. The rearrangement of the lines may have seemed clever at the time, but serves no purpose –artistic or otherwise- when conveying such an art form.

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