Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dickin, Stein, & Correcting Blind Spots

I was very excited about reading some of Emily Dickinson's poetry. I have only read a few in high school and never really got to learn about Dickinson as a person and a poet. I enjoyed this poetry more than the sonnets we were reading last week. Her poetry comes off as being more natural. It is easier to understand. There is a clean meter, like a sonnet, but I feel there is more of a structure to it. Comparing Dickinson's poetry to Berrigan and Shakespeare's it's easy to see how poetry progressed and changed over time. I'm looking forward to reading more of her work. Stein however took a different approach to her poetry. It was very unique, but I was able to appreciate it. I really enjoyed the poems by both poets. These women were breaking boundaries and putting women on the map as being noteworthy poets.

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