Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sonnets & Such

I really enjoyed playing around with Queneau’s sonnets. I think he truly turned poetry into a work of art which makes reading poetry much more interesting and fun. However, as I read various poems I wasn’t sure if they were supposed to make sense or not. Maybe the translation from French to English impacted the meaning, or maybe the meaning has nothing to do with Queneau’s purpose at all. And though each line sometimes seemed to jump to a different subject, Queneau managed to continue his rhythm and rhyme which I found interesting. Reading the rest of Berrigan’s sonnets I found confusing. I can sort of pull out what most of the sonnets are saying, but Berrigan’s language and use of punctuation are very different than what I am used to. I found his format to be much different than Shakespearean writing and I wondered how his use of punctuation (like many spaces in a line, capital letters, certain quotation marks) impacts the meanings of his sonnets and what he is trying to say/do.

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