Tuesday, February 16, 2010


After this week's in class discussions and various readings I feel that I am much more educated on Sonnets and everything they stand for. Previously, I had never really given sonnets any time. Now I have to admit that I am disappointed I did not develop this appreciation for sonnets at an earlier time in my life. I feel that sonnets are a great way to tell a story or express emotion through a rhythmic and mysterious template. I enjoy how every sonnet has the same basic structure, but still gives room for the reader to take away their own meaning from the poem. Like we learned in class, it is now much easier for me as a casual reader to be able to pick out a sonnet. My eyes have adapted to the standard fourteen lines. I find that it is often times easier for myself to understand the sonnet if I look for the volta in the sonnet and then determine what is actually creating the division within the poem. This way I can take away the final point of the poem, but still leave room for self realization when it comes to the poems true meaning.

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