Sunday, February 14, 2010


I love this week's readings. Poems are awesome and sonnets, as well as alliteration, are some of my favorites. Every time I read a poem or listen to them I get jealous because I wish I could write as beautifully as these people do. Reading sonnets are awesome because you kind of get into this groove, although it's usually a short groove, it's a groove none the less. I thought that Shakespeare's sonnets were beautiful, as well as Ted Berrigan's. I love their use of language, both stay true to their time. You obviously tell what time period they were writing in. Most everyone can tell when it's a Shakespeare poem, it has such a distinctive sound and feel to it. With Berrigan he has that destincitive 60's feel to it, some of the words he uses, and people he mentions like Marylin Monroe and William Carlos Williams. Great readings.

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