Tuesday, February 16, 2010


After Monday's class, I feel I have a better appreciation for the poetry and sonnets as a type of literary form. Looking at Berrigan again, I find it really interesting that he was able to incorporate Shakespearean aspects, while still maintaining his own style by turning it into a more modern approach to poetry. Like Berrigan, Quenaeu's 100,000,000,000 poems is also very contemporary. I found it really cool innovative and imaginative that he was able to transform this old type of poetry into an interactive art form. Joseph Harris talks about forwarding in his chapter. One of the aspects he brings up is the idea of academic conversation being a way of conversation. It is a conversation because you are taking in that writer's words and by delving into them, you start to interpret them in your own way and come out of it with your own perspective. This allows us to better understand the critical writing and allows an easier approach because we look at it in a less formal way.

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