Sunday, February 14, 2010


I really enjoyed reading the sonnets for today. I would much rather read poems than a boring twenty page paper. I have always liked reading and writing poetry. Shakespeare is the master of all poets. It's astounding to me how his words are so deep and meaningful and they flow so well. Although I really like Shakespeare's sonnets, they do have a tendency to be difficult to understand because of the language. The way people spoke during those times is very different from now. There are lots of words I couldn't understand, but I did get the general gist of what he was trying to say. The rhythmic flow of his sonnet's combined with the rhyme scheme definitely makes Shakespeare's sonnets some of the best. Berrigan's sonnets were different from Shakespeare's in that there really was no formal structure. In some circumstances the sonnets seemed choppy and unorganized although they were much easier to understand. One aspect of Berrigan's sonnets that I liked was his repetition. Sometimes he repeated words or entire lines from other poems which, I think, made for a nice connection between the poems.

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