Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dickinson, Howe and Harris

For our reading we had to read the second part of "My Emily Dickinson," and I found that I understood and was able to follow it a lot better after discussing it on Monday. I found it really interesting that Howe compared Emily Dickinson's thoughts and ideas to those in "Wuthering Heights." Howe talked about how each of these separate works deal with romantic ideals and desires mixed with struggles of religious beliefs. This also got me thinking about ideas for our paper coming up, because this is the aspect that we are looking to achieve with them, taking a work of literature and finding similarities between that and the other pieces we have read. Looking at Howe's poems, I found them to be pretty interesting because they didn't form the typical poetry pattern. Instead, they were abstract and all over the place and all containing some aspect from the bible. Looking at Harris's "Countering" excerpt was interesting because he shed light on the many different ways in which people choose to tackle incorporating their work with another writer's.

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