Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dickinson and Stein

Once I read that Emily Dickinson was one of the most reclusive artists ever, she would go so far as to give interviews through her mail slot. Knowing this and reading about her history and influences and reading her poems have almost re-affirmed this in a weird way. She writes beautifully and to me her poetry seems very descriptive and eloquent. It seems as if all great artists have a prerequisite to be a little, or a lot, crazy. But, for me at least, you can see that she was alone most of the time. Also in "My Emily Dickinson" when Howe said that poetry was her religion it all seems to make sense. I really liked Stein too, I read "A White Hunter" and had to laugh at how simple it was. It was nice though, it's nice to see the simplicity in things sometimes.

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