Sunday, February 28, 2010

Things Fall Apart

I really enjoyed this reading. It is a nice change of pace from the poetry we have been focusing on for the past two weeks. I also liked this story because it is much easier to read. I don't have to sit and re-read every paragraph or try to decipher what each line is saying in order to understand it. Learning about the African culture is also very interesting and helps to keep me engaged in the story. It will be fun to move on from American and European literature to African literature. This semester I am in a class about Native American history and I can see a lot of ties between Native Americans and African tribes. For example, in both societies stories play an important role. That was one of the things in the story I enjoyed the most. It is fun to read the stories and see the connections to real life as well as find their meanings and lessons. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the book.

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