Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shakespeare and Ted Berrigan

This week, we had to read a few sonnets. I found it hard to understand the sonnets by Shakespeare because of the language and the words he was using. It wasn’t complete English like we use now but was almost written like they used to speak. The sonnets by Ted Berrigan, seemed to be repeated throughout his book. Many of them were repeated in the same words but sometimes Berrigan added or took away a few words but either way, it conveyed the same message to me. I thought it was weird because when I was younger and we wrote sonnets, we were taught to make them rhyme at the end of the sentences. An example of this would be, the cat jumped over the dog, the dog jumped over the hog. His sonnets were written in a way of telling a story, almost life like. He wrote about his past, and then talked about now, and then talked about the future.

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