Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ways of Seeing and Coming to Terms

I enjoyed these pieces, it really added to the discussions we were having on Monday in class. The way pieces of art (in terms of paintings, a sculpture, etc.) work in terms of limits, is very different than a piece of literature. And the idea of film having limits is also very different. Our group discussed Rashomon as a play, film, or even the screenplay. If someone were to read the screenplay of Rashomon, it was be so confusing. Film and being able to see it live, would be able to fill those gaps that a piece of literature just doesn't have the ability to do. Then we talked about if Rashomon was turned into a play, that would also be confusing because of all the flashbacks that can be portrayed well in film. With the ability of camera angles and other things that can be done in editing, a film can make up for things that literature and a play cannot.

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