Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dickinson and Stein

After reading the poems by Emily Dickinson and Gertrude Stein, I realized that they were uniquely different from Barrigan and Shakespeare’s poems. To me poetry has always been a form of self expression and way to just relieve the mind of whatever was in it. I could see that many of these poems by these poets do just that. Both Dickinson and Stein’s poetry style share certain similar forms. They both write with short lines and not always complete sentences. Their writing was unconventional during their time period which makes me admire them as female writers. I think it takes a lot of guts to go against the norms and try something new. Although I do not always understand their poems I’ve come to admire them and the message hidden inside. It has led me to wonder, why and how these poets have come to be as well known as they are now?

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