Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ways of Seeing & Coming To Terms

I actually very much enjoyed the readings for today. In “Ways of Seeing” Berger reminded me a lot of the piece we read from Walter Benjamin. In part of Benjamin’s essay he explained how people have had a hard time considering photography and film works of art. Berger more thoroughly explains this: he describes how photography and film change the original copy of art, specifically paintings, because the perspective of the spectator is influenced by the environment in which they are viewing it and their knowledge of the original piece from which the copy was made. In “Coming to Terms” Harris explains how the meaning of literature is influenced by the perspective in which the reader is reading it; your life and environment impacts the way you interpret the meaning of what you’re reading. I think it is interesting that if we consider literature art, we must, as Berger explains, take into account how a copy of the original writing impacts the way we perceive the meaning/importance.

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