Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dickinson & Stein

Emily Dickinson and Gertrude Stein remain to be some of the most influential women poets. Dickinson, it is obvious, was completely consumed by her writing. She seemed to be a poet first and a human after that. With her particular style, it is obvious that she was taking a chance. Though she still followed a standard format (within her work), she was ahead of her time. It is a shame that she couldn't have seen her work succeed, though I don't know what importance that would have to her anyway.

Gertrude Stein's poetry is very abstract. She modeled her work after the type of ideas that were present in visual art at the time. She was somewhat of a linguistic cubist. In one of her pieces, she presents an auditory portrait of Pablo Picasso in which she creates a space that is repetitive and non-linear. Poems such as this exemplify her personal style and prove that her style was and still is unique and groundbreaking. Even if you do not enjoy her work, it is true that it had a huge and important influence on writing thereafter.

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