Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shakespeares and Berrigan

I have always been interested in poetry. When I was younger I read and wrote quite a lot of poetry especially from Shakespeare. I really like the way that Shakespeare composes his sonnets. Everything is rhythmic and in perfect order. Even though his Sonnets are in this perfect and rhythmic order it still is rather difficult to comprehend exactly what Shakespeare is trying to get across in his poetry. Even though there is that language barrier I think that if someone where to try and translate Shakespeare's works into our modern day "speak" that the Sonnets would lose a great deal of their meaning. Berrigan on the other hand had no formal structure which after reading Shakespeare really was difficult to concentrate on. The language was easier to understand, however the way that he jumped around was slightly confusing as I read more of his works. Overall I did enjoy both of these writers and their very unique and interesting styles.

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