Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ways of Seeing & Coming to Terms

The readings that we were assigned to this week really fit in very well with the discussions we had in class about Rashomon. While reading Berger there was one line that really stuck out to me "When we see a landscape, we situate ourselves in it." I think this really speaks to why the influence of film is so important. It's great to read a book and be able to visualize the scenes, and characters but it really adds a new and interesting dimension when that book is turned into a movie and you can compare what you saw in your head to what is being portrayed on the screen. The main idea of Coming to Terms was all about perspective, each person has a different perspective when viewing art or reading a book. Every person's perspective depends on how they were raised or where they have been in their life. It's so interesting to think that even if you ask two people to tell you about one event, the descriptions of the same event could be completely different.

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