Monday, February 15, 2010


I would most certainly not call myself a great poetry writer, however I do enjoy reading a fair share of poems here and there. I had a creative writing class that I took in high school and in it we spent a good amount of our time reviewing poetry. When assigned to read the definition of a sonnet on D2L, I was some what familiar with what was stated. Personally I think that this is a very interesting style of poetry. To have such a specific criteria for a sonnet, I think, makes it difficult to compose. It must consist of fourteen lines, be written in an iambic pentameter, and follow a strict number of syllables in each line. Shakespeare seems to do so with magnificant ease. After reading just a few of his thousands of writings, I have concluded that William Shakespeare was a very brilliant man. I find it incredible how he is able to engage his readers with an absolutely stunning vocabulary, while still keeping the reader intrigued. In class, our group focused most specifically on sonnet number twelve. One may have a different interpretion but we decided that this poem was mainly elaborating the importance of producing offspring and how it helps us to achieve a great satifaction with life. I found many of his poems to be slightly difficult to fully understand, yet pleasant to absorb.

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