Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Coming to Terms" and Ways of Seeing

From reading chapter one “Coming to Terms” from the book Rewriting and the first chapter of Ways of Seeing by John Berger, I found a lot of truth to what they were saying. In the chapter, “Coming to Terms”, Harris mentions that good writers not only attempt to understand another writer’s work and reiterate it, but also interprets the work and is able to present his or her own way of seeing the text. I also found value to Harris’s words when he talks about the use of quotations. Sometimes writers, including me, fall guilty of simply just using quotes not really having a reason or explanation for their use.
For that matter, Berger goes into speaking about our ways of seeing and interpreting the things we see. Similar to the article we read last week, he also talks about the development of reproduction and how that has changed the way we see art. What makes a price of art unique and for some holds a religious meaning has now been “enveloped in an atmosphere of entirely bogus religiosity” because of how reproduction in our modern society has taken away this sense of amazement from its authenticity.

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