Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rashoman and The Work....

I really enjoyed Rashoman. Each different perspective was intriguing and it was interesting how different the stories varied, it's almost like that game "telephone". I thought the bandit character was hilarious and psycho and great, but the real crazy one was the girl. In each story she was nuts; it's interesting that such a seemingly innocent and timid girl at first turns out to be malicious and, I guess, blood thirsty in a way. The Walter Benjamin article was interesting. I thought the Russian film industry was interesting, that they try to have people who are actually similar to the characters in real life. I think Benjamin and others are a little harsh on film, I understand where they're coming from because film is so glamorized but I like to think that film is a great art form that is beautiful and not completely "aura-less".

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