Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rashomon and Walter Benjamin

Going into watching this film I was interested to see what it was going to be like. I did not look up anything about it because I wanted it to be a surprise. The surprise for me was not as good as I had hoped but I still enjoyed seeing the different types of literature that Benjamin talks about in his writing. When watching the movie i had many questions about it because I was very confused for the first like hour of it. The only thing that helped me get it was the expressions of the actors. I was not too impressed with this movie, but I do have to say that it is good for the time period that it was made in. The thing that I did not like most about it was that it was in Japanese and I am not a big fan of movies in different languages in general so this is probably what I was not very impressed with it. I am very interested in hearing the comments from the rest of the class on this movie and also the reading to see how other people liked the style and different form of literature.

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