Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Pillow Book & S/Z

I found the three pieces assigned to read much more enjoyable this week than last week’s. One reason The Pillow Book was more enjoyable was probably because I was finally given the background of the story and the circumstances in which she was writing. I loved how some of the entries were lists and the writer’s personality was really able to shine through. The Pillow Book became more interesting when I was able to look at it like “a written blog” (like someone had mentioned in class.) Keeping a diary with the intentions of publishing your thoughts was probably a very new idea back then. In reading S/Z I was most drawn to the part talking about re-reading. I find myself having to go back and re-read a text many times. I don’t particularly like doing it, but I feel that if I don’t I won’t be able to understand.

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