Tuesday, February 2, 2010

S/Z, Rewriting, The Pillow Book

While reading the S/Z essay, the part I found the most interesting and the part I could grab onto the most was when he started talking about re-reading texts. I’ve found myself before re-reading things numerous times because I didn’t understand it the first time. After a few times of reading it back to myself and out loud, I find things within it that I didn’t be. For example, when reading a book for the first time, you don’t catch everything you do when you read it a second or third time. Every time you re-read a text or re-watch a movie, you catch parts that you didn’t notice before. I found this part of the text the most interesting because it made me realize that I’m not crazy for doing it or wasting my time but in the long run, its really helping me and only making me understand the text better.

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