Tuesday, February 2, 2010

S/Z, The Pillow Book, Rewriting

After reading the second excerpt from The Pillow Book, I once again found it very intriguing. I read it differently from the first section after talking about the book in class and discovering that yes it was written in a "diary" form, however, it is not the same way we think of diary, it was meant for public viewing. After reading the S/Z essay, I did note that he did talk about re-reading texts. I my self don't really enjoy reading a text more than once because I feel like I already know everything that is going to happen and that makes the book less enjoyable for me. I will occasionally re-read a text if it has been a while and I really enjoyed the book in the past. Rewriting didn't really strike me but then again it was only the intro and I try not to judge things to harshly before I really get into them.

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