Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Activist 2

After completing this book I was left with many questions. in class on Monday we discussed how the book was written, and how that had an affect on the way we perceive the story as readers/writers. It seems that in the second portion of the book Gladman takes on a more formal writing style, as opposed to the first half where she inserts news articles, and thoughts. I really enjoyed how the author made it seem as if the reader was inside the minds of the characters. When the words were italicized I imagined them being said and repeated in the head of a particular activist. I think this book was able to create a lot of suspense, confusion, and anxiety in me. I enjoy when a piece of literature has the power to take me through so many different emotions, but still hold my attention. I come away from The Activist wondering if there was ever really a bridge, what the hell that map was up to, and if this book has any ties with the attacks on 9/11. I could be entirely wrong but towards the end of the book I thought that the disaster the activists kept referencing could have been the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

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