Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fan Fiction

This week we are focusing on the series 'Lost' and watched a few episodes for monday and now we read an article about fans. The article by Saper was interesting because of the topic. I am interested in the fandom of different things and actually wrote a paper about it a couple years ago. I found it interesting how different fans of different things behave in different ways. Also it is interesting how fans have changed their behaviors over the years. Fans have become more accustomed to knowing more and more about their given artist or celebrity because of the internet and how easy it is to get information about almost anything. Fan culture changes in every group and depending on the group you can have many different opinions about things. It was interesting reading some of the fan theories and questions becuase I followed Lost for a few seasons but haven't kept up on it and I liked reading the different opinions and crazy questions people had. I am interested to see what we will talk about next class because there are many different ways to look at the fandom of Lost.

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