Sunday, April 11, 2010

Conceptual Writing

The readings for Monday were very different from what we have been reading in class. Conceptual writing was a very different topic for me as I am not familiar with it at all. Dworkin's piece was very confusing and boring to me and Wagner's piece was interesting to me. Like almost everyone else's blog posting, Goldsmith's piece was the most interesting and thought provoking to me. This concept of "uncreative" writing is a concept I have never heard of before. I guess I have always thought that engaging in any form of writing took creativity and therefore was creative. Goldsmith's argument of uncreative writing, the writer making plans and decisions for the piece before it's written and therefore is done without a lot of thinking, does make sense to me. I understand that making up the storyline and plot for a story as you go is very different from already having all the major decisions made. I know that I have written "uncreatively" before. One idea of Goldsmith's that I didn't agree with was that it is the author's responsibility for the reader's understanding. I think it is the reader's fault, or just their ideas, if they don't understand something. However, there are certain cases where a writer could have been more clear in what they were trying to get across.

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