Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This week we are focusing on conceptualism and for Wednesday’s class we are taking a look at flarf poetry. I think that this form of poetry is very interesting because it is not like the usual poems that we may be use to. It definitely presents the readers with a different way of looking at poetry and how to interpret it. The uniqueness of its form is simple yet fun and creates a opportunity for the imagination to illustrate the images. Flarf poems unlike the traditional rhyming poems that I am use to, has less of a ring to the ears but it is still present.

Here is one of that I created:

Thoughtless imaginations!
The slipstream of thoughtless thoughts...
Deep into the depths
of many people
A serious oversight
And the wonder is that they persistently cling to this futile hope
Saying hurtful things
although it revolves around machines
versus purely his imagination
wordless poet.

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