Saturday, April 10, 2010

Goldsmith, Dworkin, Place and Wagner

This weeks excerpts were a variety of selections and I had some problems keeping up with a few of them. Goldsmith’s first essay we read was interesting and thought provoking however I did not agree with her conclusion of the author being responsible for the reader’s lack of understanding. Her essay “Traffic” was in the form of what seemed to me to be a diary or primary source, very informative but repetitive and dull, much like Craig Dworkin’s writing, in which I was lost before I finished the first page. Vanessa Place’s “Gone With The Wind” however, caught my attention and held it, however it’s depressing nature took away from its literary and historical value. Finally, Catherine Wagner’s “My New Job” followed the same lines as “Traffic” and Dworkin’s essay in the sense that I understood little to none of it.

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