Sunday, April 25, 2010


I have never seen an episode of Lost before, which makes me feel like I'm just about the only person in the world who hasn't. Many of my friends really like the show and every once in awhile I'll hear them talking about how good it is. I have always wanted to see an episode, but have never gotten around to it, so I was excited to find out we would be watching Lost for class. I found the similarities between Lost and "The Invention of Morel" very interesting and they became very obvious after awhile. The episodes we watched both centered around the theme of time travel. It was kind of nice how even though I have never seen an episode before, these episodes had a way of filling me in on what I had been missing. In "The Constant" I liked the connections that were made between the flashbacks and what was happening in the present. I'm interested in discussing these episodes in class this week.

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