Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fan Fiction

I found it very interesting to browse through the fan sites for the TV show "Lost". I can honestly say that besides the two episodes we were required to watch for class, I have never watched the show. While I was viewing the episodes I realized that there is a lot more to the show than what I had previously expected. I remember when the show first came out and took the country by storm. I'm not quite sure why I did not watch the show, because I certainly do not boycott television by any means. Perhaps I was just to busy at the time to being watching another time consuming program. Whenever I talk to someone about "Lost" the first thing they say to me is that in order to understand it you have to watch every episode from the beginning. I think this can be a good and bad aspect to a program, or even a piece of literature for that matter. I think it is important that a story encompasses the viewer/reader but also comes at an easily accessible form. I think it would take a lot of persuasion now for me to go back and start watching the series. There is a certain turn-off element to a series that needs to be watched in its entirety, especially one so long and time consuming. However, I can understand why the die hard fans are so enveloped in the show.

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