Monday, April 26, 2010


While watching these two episodes of Lost “The Constant” and “The Variable” I was as captivated as I was confused. The entanglement of people and events was especially confusing from one episode to the other because I haven’t watched the other seasons or the episodes in between. However, the themes of consciousness and reality seem like they’re pretty dominant in the entire series; it is difficult to tell what is real and if people are conscious or not when events are happening. When I started to think about it, I realized that Lost was initially a written text before it became a television show. Knowing this, I wonder how different reading Lost would be from watching it. You know the quote: “You gotta see it to believe it?” Well I can only imagine how much harder it would be to distinguish the reality (consciousness) of the plot from unreality without the visuals of the show. When your imagination is responsible for determining the realities of events, the possibilities are so much broader.

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