Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Activist & Calvino

Unfortunately, after reading the second half of The Activist I was still left confused. I felt that the second part wasn't any clearer than the first, which I was hoping would be the coincidence. Part of the reason I was left confused was because I still had so many questions left unanswered. The ending didn't ever give the answer to my questions and it certainly didn't give any closure. Although the novel was confusing, I guess it was a good read in that I was able to read a form that I am not familiar with. Calvino's piece was interesting to me though. He showed the relationship between politics and literature, which I strongly feel are two totally different things. I did agree with his argument that literature gives a voice to the people who are possibly too shy or don't feel like speaking out loud. After reading his piece it did make me think more in depth about the relationship between literature and politics.

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