Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I've enjoyed reading more poems and stories lately in class than just some article. When I began reading the Flarf poems I was kind of uneasy about them - I didn't know whether or not to love them or hate them. Most of them didn't make sense at first anyways. But as I re-read them I was able to appreciate their artistic values. It was like putting a puzzle together and finding the connections between the lines. Also, this whole new idea of "anti-lit" is something very new and interesting to me. The poems we had to read for today and the stories from Monday are so different from anything I have ever read before - it's like a whole new world of literature. I especially liked Original Flarf by Gary Sullivan, it was so creative and intriguing to me. Coming up with my own flarf was extremely difficult for me. I just couldn't come up with an inappropriate word I thought would let me write a good poem. But here is what I came up with:
Celebrated profession
The leading role
Praying to heavenly bodies
For some time
escape the photographs
Explicit acts, words
At the same time
It’s excellent
An award
For having no artistic merit

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