Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lost fan site and Saper

After looking at the Lost fan site and reading Craig Saper’s “A Fan’s Paranoid Logic,” it was interesting to see how fans react to certain things that interests them. Some devote their lives to studying and understanding a topic that it almost seems to be a “reality” for them. I find it weird how some people would tell “crazy fans” to get a life, but this thing that they have become so engulfed in is their life. The fan stories become a story in of itself. I think that fans become so absorbed into a certain text because it provides them with a world in which they can control. Sometimes fan input can change a story and how it plays out. It’s also interesting how an actor/actress’s role can be used to portray that individual in real life although it may not be true. Fandom, as for anything else, can have its good side and its bad.

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