Monday, April 26, 2010


'The Constant' and 'The Variable' brought up the idea of intricacy for me. I became very aware of the ability of visual modes of production like television and film to intertwine multiple plots. These episodes even allow for multiple time periods to be accessed without confusion. If I had seen all of the episodes beforehand and in between, I'd have less of a problem understanding what was happening. Having visuals allows the viewer to bridge gaps without needing detailed explanations. The viewer can simply see the changes in a person's appearance or setting to comprehend that there was a time shift.

I also was very aware of the reliance of this show on fan loyalty. In order for the audience to connect with Lost at all, they have to keep track of it. This is not a show like The Office or something that can be watched out of order and context. Lost's success and direction is based on the assumption that the fans will tune in every single week. Because the ratings remained high throughout the show proves that audiences knew the characters and the plot enough to believe in them and understand them.

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