Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Activist & New Narrative

Like many other people, after reading the first half of Renee Gladman's book I was left feeling a little confused. Not only was I confused after reading it but I even started off the novel being confused. I found it kind of funny though because this confusion was the thing that kept me wanting to read more. When I got confused about something I just wanted to keep reading to see if I could figure it out. This idea of the new narrative that is displayed in The Activist is a new concept to me. Unlike many other stories the reader is only getting information through thoughts and dialogue. The author is only sharing parts. I'm not sure yet how I feel about this style of writing. Sometimes it's very interesting and puzzle-like but sometimes it's frustrating to me because I just want to flat out know the details. Hopefully in discussing in class and finishing the novel all of my confusion will be cleared up.

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