Tuesday, April 13, 2010


When I first scanned the flarf poems, I wasn’t sure what to think about them. It seemed like they would be a big mess of mixed up non-sensical sentences. But when I actually started reading them I found them very interesting. They made sense in their own sort of way, more so than Berrigan’s poems did to me. I could also see all the work that must have gone into them. The way that the poets put all the found words and phrases together was interesting and creative in itself. It did not bother me so much that the words weren’t their own since they made the words their own. This is my flarf poem:
This guy way laying in front
Of a restaurant entrance in Singapore
Like an iguana at the end of its rope.
Here’s one way of celebrating fatherhood—
We were drunk.
It’s way more fun than Betty Ford
And it was Valentine’s Day.
I was a broke college student.
Frozen lizards, shocked turtles—
Can you hear the castanets?
The fire is dying like capitalism!
Dead drunk.

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