Tuesday, April 13, 2010


For Wednesday's class period we were asked to read some various poems from the "Flarf" genre. I had never encountered any type of poetry that is vaguely similar to this. It seems that flar is sort of a "stream of consciousness" way of writing poems. I think this can be a good way of writing creatively and could even be therapeutic. Even if the poems do not have a pre-determined meaning, I think the reader can take from it what they want. This is an interesting perspective of writing and can help to build a relationship between the reader and the writer. Normally when I read I understand that there is a previously determined point to the text. With flarf it is different. When I read about spooky things and messy hearts I was forced to create meaning for it on my own. After reading these flarf poems I have come up with my own. Here it goes...

Guitar strings and broken things
Wander down the hall
Emotions lie behind the door
Open up the briefcase
Be sure to separate
Options arise
Tranquil serenity
Sarcastic evasion
Opt out of work
Slide up the latter
Work shoes
Mississippi blues

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