Wednesday, April 14, 2010


These pieces were very interesting. I thought that the language in the K. Salem Mohammed pieces were really cool. I liked the deer poems a lot, and it seems fitting being in Wisconsin and reading a poem about deer. I thought that the "My Angie Dickinson" was interesting too, another intriguing thing especially after reading "My Emily Dickinson". The "The Anger Scale" piece really seemed like a poem to me, but still conceptual as well. I enjoyed the K. Salem Mohammed pieces the best, they were the most entertaining to read.

Crusty Bodyparts

Activity 2 - Observing the Physical Characteristics of Ol' Crusty
crust-ah: crusty body parts (any and all body parts)
dumb-ah: an idiot
freak-ah: a freak
big-ah: a fat person
ah ass suffix southern words dirtah ...
My question, Dear Crusty, is: Why do people name certain, ahem, fun body parts and not other, more mundane parts?
... is pretty much wasted energy because our beauty will fade, we will get old and crusty, body parts will fail and then the body will die. ...

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